On Columbus Day (Indigenous Peoples' Day), this past Monday, October 10th, 2016, at about 10pm -- a black 6" x 4" ZTE Z970 ZMAX Android Smartphone was snatched out of the hands of one of our legal investigators, at the new Parklet in front of Samovar Tea, at the corner of 15th Street & Valencia Street, in the 400 Block of Valencia Street, in the SF Mission District.

The advocate investigator needs that particular phone to finish his work on the #WhoKilledRosco G4S Portrero Safeway Guard Assault & Animal Cruelty Case -- for court case(s) -- in the Mission District.
Some information on the stolen smartphone can't be easily reproduced. It has contact information for family, peer advocates, witnesses of crimes and personal information on it. I had backed up a large percent of the data before it was stolen by this thief, but not all of it.
This Thief took much more value from me and the folks seeking justice in court cases we're working on, in this theft then he could ever sell it for.
Many notes on it are needed to prosecute the Guard, G4S and Safeway for the assault on one of our peers and his tiny dog 'Rosco' who was kicked twice.
This Thief took much more value from me and the folks seeking justice in court cases we're working on, in this theft then he could ever sell it for.
Many notes on it are needed to prosecute the Guard, G4S and Safeway for the assault on one of our peers and his tiny dog 'Rosco' who was kicked twice.
Resulting in a painful death lasting over five hours, until he was found in the Haight District, 2 miles away from the Potrero Safeway.
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G4S Potrero Safeway Guard |

Which is where the guard Charles Lamar Moore attacked his victims several times over a few hours, using disguise, stealth and cunning.

He likely learned as a Marine and after attending the San Francisco Police Academy where (according to his resume) was 'a fast paced, highly disciplined, paramilitary environment.
A very lean, short haired, clean cut, smooth faced man with an earring in his right ear, tall (6'-2" to 6"-4" height), medium light skinned (slightly darker than carmel color) man, about 25 years old, wearing a wrinkle free, bright white T-Shirt (short sleeved or thin sleeves rolled up) and slender or tapered style dark pants (not baggie, or loose) with no wallet, keyrings, backpack, coat or bulges in pants, wearing gym shoes.
-- Based on interviews with locals and article written in Mission Local -- this same young man, was stalking locals and tourists on that same day, from 6pm until 10pm, stealing phones, wallets all around the 3x3 Zone from 16th Street & Valencia to 15th St, 18th St, Mission St and Guerrero Streets. Maybe even up to Dolores Street.
Our long time locals tell us this man has been preying on this area for the past 30 days, and may be working with another man with light skin (caucasian) who helps distract or block victims from chasing.

It's our hope that you may have been taking pictures or selfies within blocks of 16th Street & Valencia Street on Columbus Day, Monday October 10, 2016 and may have a shot of this aggressive thief which we need to identify him with.
Please check ALL your photos and videos for October 10, 2016 to SEE if you see anyone wearing tall, medium carmel colored skin, wearing bright white T-Shirt in your pictures and send us a copy.
Before we use any of your photos during the investigation of these multiple crimes, we will blur out EVERYONE in the photo, except the Suspect(s) identified by witnesses or other video or still shots we get from local businesses around the area.
We will protect your identity and use the photos solely to identify and capture this thief monster.
If you need help getting photos off of your phone, we have experts available to help you for free.

NOTE: The bright white T-Shirt may be the new kind with a tiny, thin 'hoodie' on the back that can be flipped up to hide head and face (i.g. as he slinks up and down the store front walls when he's stalking potential victims).
And then flip it down, while he's making the move to sneak up behind you, poised with left hand held up high and right hand down low and make a noise to startle you -- into turning around with your hands and device moving directly into his 'Hand Trap'.
At that moment, you think its fight time and as you check his hands for movement -- up high and down way low -- and start to attack -- he slaps his hands together like a sideways clap -- and slaps both hands onto your horizontal device in your hands -- then grabs and runs…
Before he stole this ZTE Smartphone (at the new 411 Valencia Street Parklett in front of Samovar Tea) that late evening (10pm), the same man attacked an older latino man a hour or so before who had walked from an ATM Machine on south side of 16th Street down Julian Street next to Mission National Bank for his wallet using the 'hey, dropped your money' scam.
That man was able to hit the man from behind causing thief to drop the wallet (empty) which delayed the victim long enough for the thief to run away.
An hour or so before that, he attacked a bicyclist for his cell phone, near 16th Street and Mission.

So, now, after he steals your stuff and gets a 20 foot head start… he turns around to see if you're following or attacking and runs backwards a bit, until he feels safe enough to run on. When he stole the Smartphone from the legal advocate, he went east on 15th St from Valencia and turned up the alley (south) next to the Church, between Julian Street and Valencia.
Please post this to all the people you know who live in San Francisco or may have been visiting here.
UPDATE: MON JAN 2, 2016 -- We received an email from a woman who saw the ads on Cell Phone Thefts in the mission district that included a description of Two Men, One young, tall, dressed in baggy pants, hoodie - who talks loud on cell phone to his 'girlfriend' while casing out cafes (like Muddy Waters) and the Second Man, being in his 50's, wearing nice brown suit who arrives later to go in and steal phones in the cafes.
She said they were hanging out in front of the Fish Market near 23rd and 24th Streets and Mission/Valencia Area. She spotted these guys scoping out the Purses and Cell Phones of the men and women around. They sensed her awareness and followed her, trying to block her in to steal her phone.
She ran away and kept herself and her phone safe by BEING AWARE at all times on the streets.
Continued original story:
If you really, really hate criminals and cell phone and purse snatchers, you may consider looking at all the photos taken on your phone in that area, for the past two months and we may get lucky and find photos of this scumbag at the same locations and times of many more crimes.
We have a team that is doing community outreach to get videos from businesses in the area and will work to get all the crime reports for the past two months to make timelines of all the crimes in the zone, that involve robbery, snatching and grabs similar to the 3 we already know about.
Thank you for any help you can give.
Many thieves cause physical harm and death to their victims, in addition to the lost data, contacts, emails and personal and business information that often can't be replaced.
These thieves put us all at great risk and we must work together to stop them.
We also need donations to get Wanted Posters and Reward Posters printed and distributed throughout the area.
We're also forming community volunteers to help us spot theives; witness their crimes and call police, as we cruise the zone to keep us all safe.

Any help you can provide by sharing this information, donating photos or videos or spare change to help us pay for printing would be greatly appreciated.
I first moved to the SF Bay Area in 1978 and have never seen this much violent thieving and bold robberies by so many young people, during my life here.
Or perhaps the last time our city was artificially inflated by Wall Street and Outsiders during the dot com buildup and collapse. Big money lures slick, violent thieves every time.
Our City Leaders have SOLD US OUT for blood money, that lets outside and global corporations to jack up the costs to live here, our SFPD as we've seen first hand, will often not act to help us even when they are on the scene of a crime in real time.

s/J. Leonard
EMAIL: SFBaySurf@Zoho.Com
SF Community Advocate (unofficial)
Legal Investigator for The People
Former Shelter Monitoring Committee Member (for ID only)
More Details:
$500 Wanted Posting on Craiglist -
Crime Wave Alert Posting on Craigslist -
Full Story on SFAwareness Blogspot -
LEARN MORE: SF Background & History leading up to today's political gentrification, corruption, crime and takeover of our city's spaces, cash flows, cost of living and 'disruptive technologies' that are destroying our city today!
Start listening to KALW's YourCallRadio with Rose Aguilar (or download podcasts at yourcallradio.org) and Get the Book they're talking about right now on today's 10/27/2016 Your Call Radio Show) titled 'Company Town' - http://kalw.org/post/your-call-company-town-and-fight-san-francisco
Rose Aguilar (award winning journalist and host of YourCallRadio.Org) has been spending time in the Dakotas, at the Standing Rock Reservation, speaking with victims of G4S & Police Assaults and the Great-Great Grand Daughter of Sitting Bull.
Rose Aguilar is a GREAT Native American Who Stands Up To Speak Truth !
Listening to her reports enabled us to become aware of the Human & Civil Rights & Treaty Violations against our brave, righteous natives, water protectors, journalists, protesters & Supporters.
Rose Aguilar is a GREAT Native American Who Stands Up To Speak Truth !
Listening to her reports enabled us to become aware of the Human & Civil Rights & Treaty Violations against our brave, righteous natives, water protectors, journalists, protesters & Supporters.
Including story of the protesting young daughter of a WWII Purple Heart Veteran -- who 'talked' police out of attacking with various weapons several times, by saying her loyal father would NEVER have imagined Militarized Police & Security Officers would be using illegal force and brutality against his daughter in 2016, while they attack native americans who are non-violent. She is so honest and brave and truth kept her safe, until...
AN INFILTRATOR (behind her, acting as a supporter) exchanged hand signals with cops on the line (pointing his finger at her head from behind and getting 'the nod' from the cops) and then pushed her from behind into the police line where she was attacked.
He was arrested too, but later, she saw the video of the surprise attack and SAW THE INFILTRATOR behind her, exchanging hand signals with the cops who attacked -- which proves it was a setup by cops or G4S Tactical Black Ops agents, to CAUSE PHYSICAL CONTACT TO enable or justify beatings, arrests and demonizing in the Elite's paid off mass media.
He was arrested too, but later, she saw the video of the surprise attack and SAW THE INFILTRATOR behind her, exchanging hand signals with the cops who attacked -- which proves it was a setup by cops or G4S Tactical Black Ops agents, to CAUSE PHYSICAL CONTACT TO enable or justify beatings, arrests and demonizing in the Elite's paid off mass media.
ONLY from truth tellers like Rose Aguilar and KALW and Your Call Radio Shows will you HEAR & SEE THE TRUTH that mass media will continue to hide from your sight.
Be Safe!
Volunteer Advocate Moderators
Submitted by the SFAwareness Group to the SF Peoples' Fraud Task Force for Action.