A team of peer advocates have stumbled onto the 'World of Probate Courts' in San Francisco, and across the state of California and it's not pretty. Because of what we witnessed in one case first hand, we've been researching all there is to know about Probate Courts, Elder Abuse and Corrupted Judges, Lawyers, Annuity & Insurance Frauds and Forced, Premature Conservatorships that have been happening for decades, but now appears to be greatly accelerating.
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Elder Declaring A Forgery, Ignored by SF Probate Court |
We're doing Fund Raising to fund our volunteer Investigators who are right now -- linking up with anti-elder abuse groups, that we never new existed from coast to coast.
These sites have TIP LINES to report Elder Abuse by Judges, Lawyers, Notaries, Insurance, Annuity and Financial Planning Scammers all over California.
These sites have TIP LINES to report Elder Abuse by Judges, Lawyers, Notaries, Insurance, Annuity and Financial Planning Scammers all over California.
We bet most of the cases of Abuse by 'licensed professionals and sworn officials' will all tie back into the same 'elite cess pools' of 'connected people' who abuse power and public trust.
So, we've started fund raising to pay expenses of volunteer investigators and researchers to help us link up with all others who are against Elder Abuse and analyze all the probate court records over the past two decades.
We intend to SEE exactly which cases were 'fast tracked' and which ones actually followed All Of the Probate & Elder Abuse Laws, in San Francisco and beyond, all around California.
We intend to SEE exactly which cases were 'fast tracked' and which ones actually followed All Of the Probate & Elder Abuse Laws, in San Francisco and beyond, all around California.
Here is the first Fund Raiser Site: https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/n83b/exposing-elder-abuse-in-san-francisco-amp-california-probate-courts
To reduce harm, save lives and protect Our Elders and Family Estates in California, we all MUST work together to expose them all.
Especially, since many 'psychologists' are now prescribing Psychoactive Drugs (even ones that have only 22% success rates in folks over 70 years old that are addictive and cause affects of memory loss..) although they have no physical medical training as that of a General Practioner.
Once risky, may kill you if you stop taking them drugs are given to Our Elders, they may produce affects of dementia, which of course is used later against them as The Only Proof that counts, contrary to the laws of probate which must recognize if affects are temporalmental (i.g. only apparent while on the pharma drugs) and determine how extensive is their 'incapacity'.
All of which are being ignored in courts that are railroading our Elderly into trusts, putting folks in charge of Trusts and Conservatorships that The Elders do not trust or who had already resigned or had their authorities revoked by the Elder themselves. Intenational infliction of pain and suffering to force an Elder to accept folks who she does not want or trust to manage her affairs.
It's adversarial by its very nature and any judge who signs off on that crap must be exposed as being corrupted, bias or incapable of following ALL OF THE PROBATE & ELDER ABUSE LAWS.
Not just the ones they parse out of the law, to assmble their own 'crews' of professional to manage estates prematurely which usually causes the Elder to become despressed and die prematurely as a direct result.
Then all the professional vultures will carve up the estate as they see fit, not as the Elder or the family members wish. It's all one big scam to seize assets and lands from Elders they do not love, respect or listen to.
We'll post details on the cases and groups we find related to Elder Abuse and Probate Courts here for all the world to see.