well, well. It appears as if the Man in Custody for Steinle Shooting
is NOT the Same Man in continuous Federal Custody and is NOT the same
man who was Released in March of 2015 and is NOT the Man Named in the
San Francisco County Sheriff's Warrant, Hold Detainer Letter to the
Federal Bureau of Prisons.
What you've all been told about the man in custody, by Feds or Texas
appears to have been 100% Misleading and the man they say has been in
continuous custody is NOT the same man involved in the Steinle Tragedy.
Once we saw the story explode with hate into supporting
things that have NOTHING to do with the relevant facts in this Steinle
Tragedy, we decided to go back to Square One.
Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi's WARRANT, Dated March 23, 2015 to the FEDS for
one Francisco SANCHEZ, 40 YEARS OLD, being born 1975 10/19, being Fed
Register# 1411(1)5-051 -- With 051 being the desgnated Jurisdictional
Authority of the New Mexico District.
This is the man that Texas and The Feds said, first was in continous Custody for 40-46 months prior to Release from Victorville, CA in March 2015.
to the BOP Records ( BOP INMATE LOCATOR ITEM #4 - here: http://sfpeoplesfraudtaskforce.blogspot.com/2015/07/will-real-juan-francisco-lopez-sanchez.html
) previously posted on our blog to SEE who was the Francisco Sanchez
Released that matches the MAN in the WARRANT.
Excerpt from sfpeoplesfraudtaskforce.blogspot.com/2015/07/will-real-juan-francisco-lopez-sanchez.html :

BOP INMATE LOCATOR ITEM # 4 Released: 03/26/2015
Register# 14115-051 JUAN FRANCISC LOPEZ-SANCHEZ Age: 34
Jurisdiction Authority: New Mexico District
BLOG NOTES: 1 of 2 Inmates Released in 2015. Age Off By 10+ Years
to 'Sanchez' in SF Custody for Steinle Incident.
Register# 14115-051 JUAN FRANCISC LOPEZ-SANCHEZ Age: 34
Jurisdiction Authority: New Mexico District
BLOG NOTES: 1 of 2 Inmates Released in 2015. Age Off By 10+ Years
to 'Sanchez' in SF Custody for Steinle Incident.
==== end excerpt ====
As you can SEE. The Warrant for A Francisco Sanchez from SF Sheriff used the Inmate
Register# 1411(1)5-051 which has one too many digits to correspond to
the Federal Prison-US Marshall Inmate Register Number Assignment syntax.
DOB on Sheriff's Warrant is 1975 or 40 years old, yet This BOP Record
has Age 34 listed. This Man aged from 34 to 40 is the man Feds and
Texas told you all about and used that persona and record as if it was
the Same Man in the Steinle Case. He is not.
Except for the fact the BOP Name (and DOB) does not match the man that
our Sheriff's Department, asked them for, in their Detainer Letter dated
March 2015. It's a close match to who was asked for and who was sent,
but doesn't match Man In Steinle shooting, at all.
Moving on to WHO is in custody for the Steinle Death.
According to BOP Records AND SF Sheriff's and California State Prison
Records, the man in custody for the Steinle Shooting is 52 Years old AND
was released by the Federal Prison on 10/30/2013 AND was from the
Arizona District, not Texas and not Mew Mexico (where others claimed him
to be). We believe WE PERSONALLY KNOW the Juan Francisco
Lopez-Sanchez in Custody for the Steinle Tragedy.
In fact, today, another man came forward, who used to wake up and see
this Juan Francisco Sanchez-Lopez, every morning near 16th and Valencia,
waiting for stores to open up in the morning, as many who awaken early
each day, do.
So, ALL OF YOU have been misled about the persona of a man that none of
you know by Feds, Texas law enforcement and Senators, Talking Heads and
Candidates for office and lobbyists for multi-billion dollar prison and
security contract firms, to change law, hate illegal immigrants and
accuse whom we personally know to be an extremely timid and broken man,
When you have had no physical evidence or facts from law enforcement
about THE MAN IN CUSTODY, PERIOD. You all ran on a Pack of Lies.
Man in Custody matches the BOP Inmate Locator Item (from our blog post), as follows:
== Excerpt ==

Register# 62234-308 JUAN LOPEZ-SANCHEZ Age: 52
Jurisdiction Authority: District Arizona
BLOG NOTES: This Inmate's Age 52 matches and is the closest to
SF Sheriff-CA State VINE System's Posted Age-- for the alleged shooter in custody.
We believe this Inmate #62234-008 is THE SAME ONE WE HAVE KNOWN on the streets of San Francisco a few months ago AND back in the aforementioned 2013-2014 time frame. NOT in continuous Federal Custody as both TEXAS and U.S. Federal Officials and Talking Heads told us.
=== end excerpt ===